Grow your book of business with access to 120+ carriers
Interested in joining our easy-to-use platform designed for independent insurance agents? Access our marketplace of carriers, agent-friendly tools, competitive commissions and bonuses, and dedicated support and training. Complete the form below to get started.
How to get started with First Connect
Quick and easy sign up so you can start quoting within minutes.
Sign Up for Free
Fill out the form and our team will reach out to you to answer any questions you may have. Or, you can complete your application right away, it only takes a few minutes.
Choose Carriers and Get Appointed
Access over 120 carriers and MGAs to find the ideal markets for your agency. Gain new market access in just 5 minutes by simply clicking "request carrier".
Start Quoting & Binding
Bridge into each carrier portal directly from your First Connect dashboard for real-time quoting and binding. No more waiting or complicated processes.