What does marking Yes or No mean for "Sharing Agency's Carrier Logins" when adding a sub agent?

This gives you the option when adding a subagent if they will request individual appointments through their own licenses or they'll access through your agency license in which you'd share your agency credentials with them.

When adding a subagent, it's important to understand how they gain access to carriers in your agency, as this can vary. Some subagents acquire their own appointments using their own NPN (National Producer Number), which allows them to obtain their own carrier credentials. Others gain access through a shared agency-level credential that enables them to sell.

Here's what the options will look like when adding a sub agent:

If you select "Yes": This means that the sub-agent will have immediate access to the carrier portal once you are appointed with each respective carrier. You can then provide the sub-agent with the credentials given to you by the carrier so they can access the portal.

If you select "No": This means that the sub-agent will be able to request access to the carriers that you have access to through their own First Connect Carrier Store. The carriers will then provide them with their own credentials.

There is no right or wrong way to do it; it depends on your preference! Having your agents write under the agency credential tends to be a quicker and more efficient way to get your staff selling. However, if you want your staff to have access through their own credentials, this may offer additional features for your subagent (depending on the carrier).

Each carrier on our platform has its own unique way of providing sub agent access. Some carriers only offer a single shared agency credential, while others have advanced platforms that allow you, as the primary agent, to add sub agents directly in the Carrier's agent portal. When your sub-agent requests access to a specific carrier, we will send them detailed instructions via email on what steps to take.