The time it takes to gain access to a carrier can vary depending on the carrier. We work closely with our carrier partners to streamline the appointment process and provide quick access. On average, it takes about 5-10 business days to get access to a carrier.
If you have a pending appointment request, you can check your Carrier Store view for an estimated timeline of when you can expect access. This estimate is based on historical data from the carrier and assumes that all necessary documents and forms are completed promptly. Simply go to the Carrier Store and select the carrier you are interested in.

In your Carrier Store, you will find a section called "Quick Appointments" which consists of carriers that we have optimized the process with. With these carriers, you can expect to gain access within 48-72 hours, and sometimes even on the same day.
Please note that many of our carriers require additional qualification forms and agreements to be completed. We will send you instructions via email to your primary email address. It is important to complete all the instructions provided to avoid any delays in your appointment.
Carriers that require additional forms often have a qualification process in place where they may reach out to you directly. These carriers generally have a longer wait period to gain access.
When requesting carrier appointments, it is crucial to monitor your email inbox closely. First Connect and our carrier partners will be sending you instructions on the next steps. Missing an email is the most common reason for delayed appointment processing.