Understanding the Appetite Finder

Learn how to find out what First Connect carrier you can place that business type with for your customer!

Understanding the Appetite Finder 

What is the Appetite Finder? 

The Appetite Finder is an integrated tool within your First Connect portal designed to help you identify which carriers can accommodate a specific risk. By using this tool, you can efficiently determine market availability and streamline your quoting process.

How to Use the Appetite Finder 

Access the Tool: Navigate to the menu on the left side of your First Connect portal and select Appetite Finder.

Enter Key Details: Choose the state and product line relevant to your search. 

Select Business Category: Search for and select the appropriate business category. 
Some carriers may require additional clarifying questions to refine the results. 

Review Carrier Availability: Once you provide the required details, the tool will generate a list of carriers that offer coverage for the specified risk type. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

What do the sections under individual carrier quotes mean? 

Confirmed Appetite: These carriers have verified markets available for the given class code. 

Unconfirmed Appetite: These carriers may have a market for the risk, but it has not been explicitly confirmed. 

Confirmed Lack of Appetite: Based on available information, these carriers do not have a market for the specified risk. 

What if no carriers appear under Confirmed Appetite? 

If no carriers are listed under Confirmed Appetite, this means that we do not have an integrated carrier that can accept the risk. However, not all carriers in our portal are currently part of the Appetite Finder. If a carrier you have access to is not listed under Confirmed Lack of Appetite but writes this product line, they may not yet be integrated into the tool. In such cases, you can refer to the carrier’s underwriting information in our Carrier Store Resources. [Click here] to learn more. 

What if I cannot find the business type I need to quote in the Appetite Finder? 

If the specific business type you are searching for does not appear, try using alternative wording that aligns with the risk type. For example, if looking for coverage for a business that sells products in bulk, consider searching for wholesale instead. 

Why was my quote declined after finding a carrier through the Appetite Finder? 

While the Appetite Finder helps identify potential carriers, final underwriting decisions are made by the carrier’s underwriting team. Certain risk factors or additional criteria may disqualify the quote even if the carrier generally accepts that type of business.